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DX/NWO Wrestling. I now have been running a wrestling podcast called The Cheap Pop! Check it out at right here. Or you can just get a hold of me the old school way
sending all feedback to dkulas@hotmail.com
November 29, 2009
As usual, title histories are updated. Also have PPV results up for Bragging Rights & Survivor Series. DX History is also updated, with the latest on their beatdowns on little 'ol Hornswoggle.
October 11, 2009
Plenty of title histories are updated. Also have PPV results up for Summerslam & Breaking Point & Hell in a Cell. Finally DX has returned for the seventh or eight time since my last update so check out the DX History page to see what hijinx they have been unleashing every week. I also attended a recent WWE House Show, check out my blog for my full report.
July 1, 2009
I know it has been awhile since I have updated the main page, but I still have been consistently updating title histories as changes have occured. Main update has been updating the results for the last several PPVs I have been behind on so 2009 PPV results are up to date through The Bash being the latest additions. Also just posted a new episode of our wrestling podcast, The Cheap Pop you can find right here where we cover the Kurt Angle TNA DVD, review 12 Rounds, talk some Ring of Honor and much more.
January 2, 2009
Damn has it been awhile since I updated the main page. Tons of title histories have been updated for the past several months, and it's great to see Jeff Hardy's name finally etched in the record books of top champs. All the PPV results are also updated for rest of 2008 with Survivor Series & Armageddon being the latest additions. A friendly reminder, don't miss out on our new wrestling podcast, called The Cheap Pop you can find by clicking right here! Our latest episode features our thoughts on the Smackdown vs RAW 2009 videogame and the original 1973 Verne Gagne cinema classic, The Wrestler!
September 15, 2008
Got another healthy sized update for everyone! Title histories have been updated for the past couple months worth of title switches, including the surprise at Unforgiven. PPV results are also updated with results for Summerslam & Unforgiven now online. Finally, we started a wrestling podcast, called The Cheap Pop you can find by clicking right here!
July 21, 2008
After a few months without a main blurb update I am back! Title histories have been updated as they have been occurring, so always keep an eye on that page. Most importantly though, my backlog of PPV results have been updated with results for Judgment Day, One Night Stand & Great American Bash now online. One more thing, make sure to pick up the new Ric Flair Definitive Collection DVD, if you do not own this piece of wrestling gold you cannot call yourself a wrestling fan!
April 27, 2008
Again, sorry for the lack of main blurbs on the main page. Got lots of PPV results up, Wrestlemania 24 & Backlash results are now online. Also got a few title histories updated. Finally, check out the special tournament winners part of the site to check out who won this year's special King of the Ring tournament on RAW. So how about this year's Wrestlemania? I thought it delivered on nearly all fronts. Michaels vs. Flair is one of those special moments that'll forever be remembered, and Mayweather vs. Big Show was one hell of an entertaining spectacle. Also worth noting is Wrestlemania 24 will be WWE's first, and a sports genre first Blu-Ray release. Check it out!
February 7, 2008
Sorry for the long delay between updates. Got lots of PPV results up, Armageddon & Royal Rumble results are now online. Also got a few title histories updated. DX also decided to recently do another one night reunion, check out all the details at the DX History part of the site!
November 19, 2007
Got another good-size update for you today. Cyber Sunday & Survvivor Series results that are online. Current title holders page is updated with the latest title changes too. Make sure to also check out the newly updated DX History with what appeared to be their last special appearence for awhile.
September 9, 2007
Lots of stuff updated. Great American Bash & Summerslam results are online. Lots of title histories are also updated, including a rare title change on a house show for the RAW tag belts, make sure to check it out!

Since I'm too lazy to make a Holly tribute page, I'll just have their pic here.
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Same goes with former 1 year and 3 month WWF Light HW Champ, Duane Gill/Gillberg too!